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Releases and Versioning

Projen takes care of managing versioning and releases of your project.

The release model is based on (scaled) trunk-based development and relies on Conventional Commits and Semantic Versioning to automatically determine the next version for every release.

This means that commits to the default branch (main) are considered ready for production and by default every commit will be released and published to package managers.

Initial development phase

New projects start with version 0.0.0. Anything may change at any time and public APIs should not be considered stable. Commits marked as a breaking change will increase the minor version. All other commits will increase the patch version.

Projen will never release v1.0.0 without your intervention. Once the project is ready, you have to make a one-time change to bump the major version.

Major Versions

To bump the major version for the default branch, set the majorVersion option to the desired version and push the change. For example:

majorVersion: 1

For major versions 1 and above, if a release includes fix commits only, it will increase the patch version. If a release includes any feat commits, then the new version will be a minor version.

Prerelease Versions

To release prerelease versions from the main branch, set the prerelease option to the desired prerelease prefix. For example:

prerelease: 'beta'

You can also use this with release branches or manual releases (see example below).

Breaking Changes

Conventional Commits allows changes to be marked as breaking by appending a ! after the type/scope in the commit message or adding a BREAKING CHANGE: footer (see examples).

If a release includes breaking changes and the major version was not explicitly updated at the same time, the release will fail.

If you rather want to automatically release major versions, use minMajorVersion instead of majorVersion and breaking changes will now increase the major version:

minMajorVersion: 1

In the initial development phase of major version zero, breaking changes will never fail the release and instead increase the minor version (see above).

Release Branches

You can release multiple major versions from different branches at the same time through the releaseBranches option. A separate workflow will be created for each release branch to publish the commits to this branch.

Each release branch must be associated with a different version.

Normally it is sufficient to specify only majorVersion. If fixes to an earlier minor version should be released, minorVersion can also be specified.

releaseBranches: {
'2.0': {
majorVersion: 2,
minorVersion: 0,
'2.x': {
majorVersion: 2,
'3.x': {
majorVersion: 3,
prerelease: 'beta',

Release Triggers

If the project type supports it, then you can specify a releaseTrigger. You can use this to control whether or not your releases are automated as well as any unique artifacts associated with releases such as project-level changelogs.

releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.scheduled({ schedule: '0 17 * * *' }),

Selective Releases

It is possible to only bump the version on a subset of commits. For example you could only release a new version for every feature and fix that was added to the repo.

releasableCommits: ReleasableCommits.featuresAndFixes(),

This check only runs according to the release trigger, but serves as an additional check to not create unnecessary releases.

A custom check can be implemented ReleasableCommits.exec(). This command should return a list of commit hashes that are considered releasable. I.e. to not not bump the version, the command must print nothing and exit successfully.

releasableCommits: ReleasableCommits.exec("./"),

Manual Releases

If you don't want projen to automatically release your project, you can configure a manual release trigger:

releaseTrigger: ReleaseTrigger.manual(),

This will create a release task. Run it locally (projen release) to cut a release. It will build the project and create releasable artifacts inside the dist directory.

It will also trigger a publish:git task. This task does manage a project-level changelog, commit any changes, tag the release, and push any commits and tags to the remote repository.

The command used for pushing can be customized by specifying gitPushCommand. Set to an empty string to disable pushing entirely.

Publishing modules for manual releases

With manual releases, projen will not automatically publish packages to their respective package repositories. You are expected to publish release artifacts from the dist directory manually.

Please note that the repository itself will not be a releasable state. Publishing anything else but the release artifacts from dist, will fail.

For example in a Node.js project, you might run:

  • projen release (runs tests & builds a releasable artifact)
  • npm publish dist/js/my-package-1.2.3.tgz

Or for a multi language jsii project, the necessary steps could look something like:

  • projen release
  • npx -p publib@latest publib-npm
  • npx -p publib@latest publib-pypi
  • npx -p publib@latest publib-nuget

It is also your responsibility to ensure credentials are setup and available for each package repository published to.


How can I force a different version?

You may be adopting projen in a project that has already been published to previous versions. Projen uses tags to determine the version to start with before bumping according to the rules previously mentioned.

You can force the base version number by adding a tag to your repo. For example, if the latest version of your project is 1.2.3, then add a tag to your main branch of v1.2.3. The next time the release workflow runs, it will bump from version 1.2.3. As explained above, this is based on the conventional commits so the next release will either be 1.2.4, 1.3.0, or 2.0.0 on a breaking change.

Can I change the format of the release tag?

Yes, it is possible to change the tag prefix:

releaseTagPrefix: 'stable/'

Please note that this also changes the behavior of finding existing tags and projen will now be looking for tags like stable/1.2.3 to determine the current version. If you are migrating to a new tag format, make sure to re-tag at least the current version with the new format.

The default prefix for release tags is v*. So if releaseTagPrefix is not defined in your .projenrc.js configuration you must define your tags as v1.0.0, v2.0.0.0 and so on.

Why is the version in package.json set to 0.0.0?

Projen uses tags to keep track of the current version of the project. While Node.js packages natively track theirs versions in package.json, not all languages supported by projen provide a mechanism like this. Consequently projen uses git tags as a mechanism that is independent of any target language. To convey this message, the version in package.json is kept at 0.0.0.

Additionally, Node.js packages are often published directly by running npm publish in the root of the repository. This does not work in projen. Instead, projen requires you to run projen release to create releasable artifacts and manually publish these artifacts.

Can I do a manual one-off prerelease?

If you wanted to generate a manual prerelease you can set the PRERELEASE environment variable.

For example in a Node.js project, you might run:

  • PRERELEASE=beta projen release (runs tests & builds a releasable artifact)
  • npm publish dist/js/my-package-1.2.3-beta.0.tgz

Make sure to also read the Manual Releases section above.