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Publisher component

The Publisher component supports publishing modules to various package managers. It is designed to be attached to a GitHub workflow that takes care of building the module and uploading a "ready to publish" artifact.

This component is utilized in NodeProject and JsiiProject to publish modules.

Supported package managers:

  • npm
  • Maven
  • PyPI
  • NuGet
  • Go (GitHub)

This is how a publisher is initialized:

const publisher = new Publisher(project, {
workflow: releaseWorkflow,
buildJobId: 'my-build-job',
artifactName: 'dist',

workflow is a GithubWorkflow with at least one job (in this case named my-build-job) which is responsible to build the code and upload a GitHub workflows artifact (named dist in this case) which will then be consumed by the publishing jobs.

This component is opinionated about the subdirectory structure of the artifact:

js/*.tgzNPMnpm tarballs
dotnet/*.nupkgNuGetNuget packages
python/*.whlPyPIPython wheels
go/**/go.modGoGo modules. Each subdirectory should have its own go.mod file
java/**MavenMaven artifacts in local repository structure

Then, you should call publishToXxx to add publishing jobs to the workflow:

For example:

publisher.publishToMaven(/* options */);
// ...

See API reference for options for each target.

Customizing Publishing Jobs

You can customize the publishing jobs by specifying prePublishSteps which is a set of GitHub workflow steps to be executed before publishing. The publishTools option can be used to setup the toolchain required for the publishing job.

For example:

publishTools: { dotnet: { version: '5.x' } },
prePublishSteps: [
{ run: 'dotnet ...' }

Publishing to GitHub Packages

Some targets come with dynamic defaults that support GitHub Packages. If the respective registry URL is detected to be GitHub, other relevant options will automatically be set to fitting values. It will also ensure that the workflow token has write permissions for Packages.


registry: ''
// also sets npmTokenSecret


mavenRepositoryUrl: ''
// also sets mavenServerId, mavenUsername, mavenPassword
// disables mavenGpgPrivateKeySecret, mavenGpgPrivateKeyPassphrase, mavenStagingProfileId

Publishing to AWS CodeArtifact

The NPM target comes with dynamic defaults that support AWS CodeArtifact. If the respective registry URL is detected to be AWS CodeArtifact, other relevant options will automatically be set to fitting values.

Authentication to CodeArtifact is performed using the AWS CLI. As such, the workflow needs access to the AWS Account containing your CodeArtifact repository. Access can be provided via the CodeArtifactAuthProvider.GITHUB_OIDC (recommended) or CodeArtifactAuthProvider.ACCESS_AND_SECRET_KEY_PAIR (not recommended) AWS auth providers.


registry: '',
codeArtifactOptions: {
authProvider: CodeArtifactAuthProvider.GITHUB_OIDC,
roleToAssume: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/your-github-actions-role'

The names of the GitHub Secrets can be overridden if different names should be used.

registry: '',
codeArtifactOptions: {
accessKeyIdSecret: 'CUSTOM_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
secretAccessKeySecret: 'CUSTOM_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',

Handling Failures

You can instruct the publisher to create GitHub issues for publish failures:

const publisher = new Publisher(project, {
workflow: releaseWorkflow,
buildJobId: 'my-build-job',
artifactName: 'dist',
issueOnFailure: true,
failureIssueLabel: 'failed-release'

This will create an issue labeled with the failed-release label for every individual failed publish task. For example, if Nuget publishing failed for a specific version, it will create an issue titled Publishing v1.0.4 to Nuget gallery failed.

This can be helpful to keep track of failed releases as well as integrate with third-party ticketing systems by querying issues labeled with failed-release.

Dry run

If you wish to completely disable publishing, you can enable the dryRun option on Publisher or publishDryRun on the project.

This will cause all publishing tasks and jobs to just print the publishing command but not actually publish.