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Create a Django Application

This quick start will help you create a Django application using projen's Python project.

Before creating a new project, make sure you have the version of Python you want to use set up in your terminal. Running which python in bash/zsh/other POSIX shells, or Get-Command python in Powershell, should print the path to the Python version you want to use.

To create a new Python project, use projen new python:

$ projen new python --name=my-project

This will synthesize a standard project directory structure with some sample code.

├── my_project
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tests

The default options will setup a Python environment using venv, and will create a requirements.txt file for installing dependencies via pip.

The projen new command will also generate a file which includes the definition of your project with any options you specified in the command line. Now that the project has been created, we want to edit this file:

from projen.python import PythonProject

project = PythonProject(
author_email="Author email",
author_name="Author name",
# Add Django as a dependency
deps=["Django"], # Note that this always installs latest. Pin as needed with @<version>.
# Add Django-related pytest packages as dev dependencies
dev_deps=["pytest-django", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock", "django-debug-toolbar", "django-queryinspect"],


Run the projen command again to re-synthesize your project with the new dependencies. That's it! You now have the libraries you need to get started with your Django application.

For more information on handling packaging, environments, testing, and publishing with projen, see the Python "hello world" quick start.