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GitLab Integration

GitLab CI/CD uses a .gitlab-ci.yml file located at the root of your repository to specify continuous integration and continuous deployment processes. GitLab CI configuration files can be split into multiple files using the include fields in order to increase readability or reduce duplication of the same configuration in multiple places.

Creating a configuration

We support the creation of GitLab CI/CD Configurations through a CiConfiguration class and a higher level GitlabConfiguration and NestedConfiguration classes. To create a GitLab configuration you must first create a project to assign the configuration to.

When using GitLab for CI, the .gitlab-ci.yml is always located at the root of the project while other configuration files are located in the .gitlab\ci-templates\ subdirectory.

const { typescript, gitlab } = require('projen');
const project = new typescript.TypeScriptProject({
defaultReleaseBranch: 'main',
name: 'my-project',
const gitlabMain = new gitlab.GitlabConfiguration(project,
jobs: {
myJob: {
script: 'echo Hello',
myNestedTemplate: {
jobs: {
myOtherJob: {
script: 'echo World!',

This creates the following directory structure.

├── .gitlab-ci.yml
└── .gitlab
└── ci-templates
└── mynestedtemplate.yml

Updating Nested Configurations

You can modify a NestedConfiguration through the nestedTemplates property of a GitlabConfiguration.

const { typescript, gitlab } = require('projen');
const project = new typescript.TypeScriptProject({
defaultReleaseBranch: 'main',
name: 'my-project',
const gitlabMain = new gitlab.GitlabConfiguration(project,
jobs: {
myJob: {
script: 'echo Hello',
myNestedTemplate: {},